The vision of Keep Paulding Beautiful is to create an atmosphere that inspires Paulding County citizens to care for their environment in a way that impacts future generations.
Keep Paulding Beautiful welcomes your participation in any of our annual events. If you can’t participate, please consider a sponsorship. Visit us on Facebook or email for more information.
JANUARY - Keep Paulding Beautiful Month
MARCH- Litter Index/Uncovered Loads
APRIL- Shred Event
MAY- Gre
Keep Paulding Beautiful welcomes your participation in any of our annual events. If you can’t participate, please consider a sponsorship. Visit us on Facebook or email for more information.
JANUARY - Keep Paulding Beautiful Month
MARCH- Litter Index/Uncovered Loads
APRIL- Shred Event
MAY- Great American Cleanup (GAC)
JUNE- Dumpsites
AUGUST- Schools/Libraries
SEPTEMBER- Rivers Alive/Water Conservation
OCTOBER- Dallas Shred Event
NOVEMBER- America Recycle Day
DECEMBER- Planning & Evaluation
Keep Paulding Beautiful desire is to work with Paulding citizens to promote a clean & healthy environment in which to live, work, & play
"Serving others is not what we do, it's who we are"
All of September- Pickup 365
Roberts Elementary Enviroscapes September 9th-September 13th
GGLS- Dallas Library September 9th
Junior Master G
Keep Paulding Beautiful desire is to work with Paulding citizens to promote a clean & healthy environment in which to live, work, & play
"Serving others is not what we do, it's who we are"
All of September- Pickup 365
Roberts Elementary Enviroscapes September 9th-September 13th
GGLS- Dallas Library September 9th
Junior Master Gardeners- September 10th
SPROUTS- Dallas Library September 11th
PB Ritch- STEM September 17th 6-8 PM
Burnt Hickory Elementary Enviroscapes September 19th- 20th 10 AM- 2 PM
Post 4 cleanup September 22nd 1-2 PM
Rivers Alive September 27th
Litter Index September 23rd thru September 26th
Lake Allatoona cleanup September 28th
1. Chipper Event Report- 305 trees chipped. All the mulch is being stored at Mary Carol’s office.
2. KPB Commission Member Job Description-Nancy created-Jud edited/added info. see attached (is the attached one Jud’s, with corrections. Approve. -Update and share on Facebook and Website.
3. February-Arbor Day Event-Master Gardener Drive by tree seedling give away-February 18- 12 pm until 5 pm-2 hour shifts starting with prep at 11 am. KPB welcome to come assist.
4. Finalize Great American Cleanup Projects. March 20-June 21, 2022. We need to register by January 14. Commission recommendations for cleanup spots, City of Hiram, City of Dallas, Locations within county. Depot Drive-Hiram, County Admin building/Justice Center Drive, City of Dallas
5. KPB Commission members pictures and bios for the website: Tommy, Curtis, Mike, Bubba and Alexis-Send to Robert at
6. Directory updates-contact information changes? Additions? Please see Spreadsheet to review your data. -Send update to Mary Carol at
7. Commissioner Kaecher has arranged a Reservoir visit for us on January 31, 1:00 pm suggested start time. MC with work with Commissioner Kaecher on Meeting place, confirm time and potential pick up at Burnt Hickory Park.
1. City of Dallas Trash Flash Mob-Robert
2. City of Hiram Trash Flash Mob
3. Spring 2022 Shredder Event-Opportunity to do one in Hiram-Tentatively set for April 23 at New Season, One in Dallas-October at Regions Parking Lot or Dallas Market. Motion from Steve K., Nanci seconds. All approve. Robert suggests we form 2 committees for this-Hiram location chaired by Alexis Cooper, Dallas Committee chaired by Bubba.
4. Chose date for trip to the new reservoir.
5. Litter Index – March meeting-Details to be determined at February meeting.
6. Tommy moves that we align titles with Bylaws. Based on County bylaws, Tommy is now Chair, Judson is Vice Chair, Nancy remains Vice President. Steve K. seconds and all approve.
7. Steve K. suggests meeting time change to accommodate working people’s schedules. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
8. Will KPB help with clean up across from Airport. Robert will correspond with Marshal’s office. Gate is needed if are to clean up to prevent further litter.
Upcoming events
1) Arbor Day-February 18-Trees ordered by MGEVS for pick up February 17
2) Shredder-April
3) Great American Cleanup-May 6
Executive Director/Litter Coordinator Report-
1. Recycling Center traffic has increased very much for this year. Robert notes that awareness of the recycling center has been raised by KPB outreach efforts. Cost benefit analysis is attached, showing value of KPB volunteer efforts and participants in KPB outreach. Robert attributes this to Farmers Market and Paulding Meadows events in combination with other special events in 2021.
2, Dumpsites have been identified in each post and Robert is working with the Marshals office on cleanup efforts. Post 2-Scoggins Road has been cleaned up after Marshal’s investigation. Another Scoggins Road site has been identified and is being investigated. Post 3-Hiram dumpsite-Cooper is working on it. Post 4-DOT-Tidwell Road and Brownsville Road identified. Two sites off of Williams Road in North Paulding. If you note a dumpsite-let Robert know and he will work with Marshals to address.
3. School and Outreach Programs in 2022-Enviroscape for 3rd grade, Environmental Science Clubs at High School, working with EPHS to facilitate Marketing development with City of Dallas-Student opportunity for Work-based learning, money saving for city. Grabber check out for Libraries. Social Media-Expanding to Instagram, Linked In, potentially Tik Tok. Nancy has sent contacts regarding Enviroscape and is working with Water Department to help with Enviroscape presentations. List of collaborators is attached.
4. Grants for 2022-Applications are due next week. Public space recycling application-recycling bins that we would take care of-data collection and recycling collection-Lack of staffing makes this hard to manage at County properties. Trash Task force survey indicated a need for more recycling centers. Cigarette disposal containers-CLPP-can get if we ask-no way to police it-Cigarettes must be counted before/after. UPS-tree planting grant. Water collection-water litter collection. Stadium recycling grant-High Schools stadiums?
Adjourn- Motion by: Steve K. Second: Nancy
NEXT MEETING: February 10 @ 8:30 a.m Location TBD
Minutes approved as presented_____________ Minutes approved with changes _________
Jud Sewell – Vice Chair Date Nancy Hightower – Vice President Date
Mary Carol Sheffield– Secretary Date
CALL TO ORDER: Jud Sewell, President, Nancy moves to start, MC seconds.
Bob moves to approve, no objections
Remains the same-$3000 in County budget, Tommy needs to move cans-space is limited. Budget freeze will take place in the next couple of months, so Tommy and Robert will evaluate what supplies are needed and make order soon. Need to reimburse Curtis for Sherriff’s office work-auger rental. Tommy will make a spreadsheet for the group to review.
Executive Director/Litter Coordinator Report
Bylaws update-Tommy shared with BOC-County ordinance, Section 2-281, Keep Paulding Beautiful Commission, 7-15 members, 1-year term, BOC must make formal confirmation. Frank Baker reviewing for updates. Tommy will share a copy with board, At Large positions were meant to be filled by business owners. MC will share minutes from each meeting with Rebecca Merideth for BOC files.
Nancy suggests referencing Resolution 0309- from 2003. Resolutions 22-02, 0-39, 3-325, 2003,
Frank Baker is reviewing BOC info, KAB, and Keep GA Beautiful information to update.
1) Board Recommendations to BOC (Update Board information)- Welcome New Board Members:
Post 2 - Steve Kaecher
Post 4 - Amber Cordell
At Large - Sam Farrell
At Large - Bethany Helton
2) Executive Director Appointment by BOC-Will need to come after county works out Resolution/Bylaws information.
3) Shirt Updates – New Board members can still submit shirts to Robert-check in with him if you would like to have a KPB logo applied to a polo shirt
4) QR Generator-Robert has generated one that links to KPB website-can be placed on all marketing materials.
5) Great American Cleanup plan-Deadline for plan submission to KAB is Friday February 12. Discussion of potential locations included: Summerhill Connector public roads, shopping centers, BOC complex/Justice Center Drive. Robert has identified several interested groups-including Homeschool, Scouts, 4-H. Robert will check with BOC HR to create BOC employee involvement for a BOC complex cleanup. May 7 is Target Date for Event. GAC will be promoted for individuals and families who wish to participate.
a. Law enforcement role in enforcing litter laws. Give information for Code Enforcement to those who report litter problems to our Board. Robert is working on a “How to Report” document. Nancy recommends contact County under the “Need service” contact on www.paulding.govwebsite. Bob recommends flyer about litter reporting, Tommy is looking for unsecured load flyers to be printed for distribution at the dump.
6) Contact Sheet in Google Docs-Please update your information or share the following with Mary Carol and she will add your data: Name, Primary email address, Post represented, Cell phone number, Work phone number, Address, Alternate email, Birthday and month (no year), Appointment Year (If you recall!)
Upcoming events
1) Arbor Day February 19-Extension Office-prep begins at 9 am, event begins at 11 am.
2) March- Litter Index Ride-COVID Strategy-Each member take a couple of roads in Post-Robert will provide scoring sheets and we can turn them in, once we complete. Robert will do state roads, suggests we do roads in our posts. Robert will send suggestions to At Large and Organization reps. Each member should complete their report by March 11 meeting.
3) April-Shredder Event April 17-pair with E-Recycling? /Earth Day-Tommy Checking on E-recycling.
4) May-Great American Cleanup-Project ideas-BOC and community.
5) June-Farmers Market-Market runs May 1 through September schedule. Market moving from Regions Bank to square. Not approved yet, but City is working on this. Erica can help us make contact and will keep us updated.
6) Jud suggests recording Enviroscape with County Media communications. Nancy is thinking it over-will contact schools to see if any are open to visits. MC will reach out to Jeff and Austin at the BOC about recording some monthly updates.
Home or Business of the Month? Kudos to City/Marshal Department for work.
Motion to Adjourn-Bob Banks, Curtis Miller 2nd.
NEXT MEETING: March 11 @ 8:30 a.m.
Minutes approved as presented_____________ Minutes approved with changes _________
Jud Sewell – President Date Nancy Hightower – Vice President Date
Mary Carol Sheffield– Secretary Date
CALL TO ORDER: Jud Sewell, President
Curtis gave the Finance Report (Attached). Cash Balance $3,124.73 Balance in the KPB Checking is $3,899.00
Executive Director/Litter Coordinator Report
Jud gave the litter coordinator report for Tommy and Robert. A discussion ensued about the different sites and clean up.
· Shred Event: Jud reported on the Shred event scheduled for April 23, 2022. He announced that Cooper has created a flyer and he would like everyone there. Jud announced that the company used ADS has sold they will do this event, but we may have to find another company for future events.
· Litter Index- Strategy: Jud reported that the next meeting we will schedule ride around and break up into posts. He would like to include the Commissioners or City Officials to ride along. Bob & Cooper for post 4, Steve and Sandy Post 2, Jud and Mr. Dunn, Curtis, Mike and Stover for post 4. Amy Post 3. Jud also asked that we use the orange vests and pickers and if you can safely pick up the trash on bad spots and leave the trash bag on the side of the road and let Robert know he will pick it up the next day.
· Richland Creek Reservoir Project: Curtis gave a report about the project. Curtis said that an adoption of educational areas around the pavilion is the goal. He would like 4 or 5 educational areas such as Recycle, Enviro scape, and water treatment. Please let him know of any other ideas. Jud said that we would be doing everything under the pavilion and around it as well. Jud also announced he would like to get some sponsors for this project.
· KGB Conference: Robert and Cooper will attend and it will come out of the County Budget.
· Monthly Board of Commission: Jud will be presenting at the 7 pm meeting on March 22, 2022 He would like support please go if you can.
· Website updates and pictures: Jud asked everyone if they have updates and or pictures please send them to Mary Carol.
1. Courthouse Planters: Bob spoke about Master Gardeners Planting the big planters at the Watson Government Complex in May. Materials likely to be from Elrod’s and should be around $200. Please come to help.
2. Airport Dumpsite Cleanup: Postponed due to weather.
3. Website: Steve suggested that we create events on social media and Mike asked to be as an admin and he could do that.
4. Jud announced some bad dump sites such as Planet fitness again, RaceTrac, Entrance to Gerber, and the corner of Metromont and Rosedale. Curtis said Ivy Gullege is bad.
5. Jud recapped the Shred event.
6. Great American Cleanup will be at the Watson Government Complex on May 6. We will start at the Extension Office and go to the Veterans park area.
7. Bob talked about the Plant sale on the 30that the Extension Office from 8-12pm.
8. Please join the Trash Flash Cleanup in Dallas on May 13th.
Adjourn- Motion by: Curtis Second: Steve
NEXT MEETING: April 14 8:30 am Litter Index ride- Meet at Paulding County Board of Commissioners-County fleet parking area.
Minutes approved as presented_____________ Minutes approved with changes _________
Jud Sewell – Vice Chair Date Nancy Hightower – Vice President Date
Mary Carol Sheffield– Secretary Date
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.